*gasp* pet school is out today :O they have this new game about math… not bad… im good at math so ill probably get maybe a lotta starz xD go and check it out! xD


For thosse of you that have been begging for a school on fantage… there you go! Pet School! lol xP


New clothes came out on monday but im barely posting it now… sorriez xD A lot new styles and things xD New hair, clothes, boards, moodies and rares… Btw theres this glitch that happened to me which was creepy i dont wanna say it or else it will get fixed… and it doesnt seem so big

Its been A long time since ive critisized the clothing… ill start now(:

*no comment in boys items… id say typical boy clothes fantage*

The moodies are really creative but i think there a little big… they were nice when they were small : D The grey-ish hair is kinda boring to me… nothing very blehh but its pretty and easy to recolor? lol The sandwich board lurve it! Im hungry now (not kidding) D: The blue highlights hair is very pretty too! i Dont like it but i dont hate it xP waffle board… a little to small… i like the red and white dress and the hair is nice too… the red hair seems a bit ugly… and the green dress is average

My rate: Normal/ Good


Firstly… LOVE THE EARS! i cant remember from which anime i remember it from but its just so cute! (i think its chobits) idk how to say/spell it… the monster hat doesnt seem to suit me xD… toilet paper… im afriad i dont wanna get called “WIPES ON TOILET PAPER” its possible xD PB &J + JELLY= LOVE FOREBUR  and im not thinking of becoming a firefighter

My Rate: Excellent


Yay! I finally achieved it! Im finally a level 300! WOOOT! hehe not so big… but sadly this is my last month in membership 😦 its ends on August 30 Dx

Here’s Proof… now ill be a level 60+ (i think) as a non xD so ill probably lose 240 levels worth of memberhship LOL

Hehe ik my starz and ecoins amount is embarassing 😕

And heres a pixell i made…. id put the base but i dont wanna D:

Like it?

You’d know why it says “Macciez” -.-


Hi guys! So today at school in the announcements, they told me a random fact x3… That today (August 9) Is a cool day…. Why? Well because its 8/9/10 xD get it? 8,9,10… bahaha and that it wont ever happen again until 100 years…. 8/9/2110? LOL weird fast fact xD

btw: LOVING middle school!


NOTE: DO NOT COPY ME WITH MACARONI… I WILL GET PISSED… i lurve that name and im the one that actually was using it… so no copy me on this one… pwease 😦

Errr… look at this… how do i deserve to be here? freaky right o_o well actually the first time i was in 12th place… then i logged out/ logged in then i was in fourth? i dont even level up D: or is this some glitch?

Ok first if youre asking what URL is fantage japan then its


Secondly if youre asking what my name is its macaroni… the reason i didnt go with cupcake is cuz ive always loved the name “macaroni” as my name so i had a chance! xD

and i also found some familiar people… its kinda hard to talk and it sucks D: but the good thing is u get beta items! things ive never ever get a chance to wear in fantage USA xD here are mah buds

yes jhn i knew u were unicorn so thats why i added u until u answered xDD

lol so i saw jhn  a.k.a “unicorn” and i took a pic xD

Beastie moment rite there ❤

Well BYE!


~Maccy ( mah new name plzz)

OMG!! i got an account on fantage europe… easy peezy and its SO much better than fantage USA WAY BETTER it brings back memories on how fantage was before some of it is the same but some.. WOW

Look! No Reporters Co.! YAY!

Anddd look at the map! No pets… no reporters co! and if you win a mini game you get free membership for a week 😛

Too bad on usa version ima member… xD but itll expire in 26 days D:



Umm yea… summer is over for me on Tuesday ): But the good thing is that i go on to middle school! Woot! I went to orientation and i got meh uniform (gym uniform) blehhhhh  lotta classes ekk 😦 i wont see msot of my friends from elementary school 😦 Waaa… So uumm yeahh.. lol Just to say also that if you’re planning any parties soon I probably wont  be able to come… because one: for all the homework ill get two: personal life three: i got into advanced classes (something called AVID) idk if california is the only state that does that? And for my elective im in Beginning Guitar! YAY! (I love guitar) plus my mom’s dream is for me to learn guitar LOL… soo yeahh… ekkk thats it o_o Btw i have a question… when do you go to school and what grade? xD


If you read the title then yes i changed my eyes xP I really liked these eyes because they make me look like an anime person!! O_o ( I JUST LOVVE THE EYES!) sorry i had to say that o_o

anyway so today i was with my friend florence21 and with her friends and having a good random time xP

Yepp… thats it i was there longer but yeahh this was random… blehh..

Yeapp that it so byeee


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